Sawan Patel

Last Updated: 9/1/2023


2023- BLISS Machine Learning Research Intern, Probabalistic Machine Learning Group, University of Michigan Contributed to the development an amortized variational intference model for cataloging deep space astronomical images trained on simulated multi-bandpass images. Expanded the encoding and simulation of single-band deep-space astronomical images to multi-band images, developed several Gaussian Mixture Model color priors trained on flux data across several surveys to simulate survey-specific synthetic images, made various optimizations to the encoder architecture, statistical prior for catalog generation and more.

2020-23 Researcher, Laboratory of Computational Neurophysiology Created a model of spatial navigation to contextualize the discovery of bidirectional head direction cells in the rodent retrosplenial cortex. Publication pending.

2018-20 Research Assistant, Laboratory of Neural Development & Intellectual Disorders Assisted PhD students with diagnostic methods for better understanding rodent models of down syndrome. Techniques include PCR, immunohistochemistry, confocal microscopy and cell counting.


2022-23 Master of Science in Computer Science & Engineering, University of Michigan

GPA 3.91: A - Natural Language Processing, A - Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, A - GPU Programming, A - Database Management Systems, A - Web Systems, A - Machine Learning in Computational Biology, A - Advanced Compilers

2018-2022 Bachelor of Arts in Neuroscience (Minor in Computer Science), Boston University

GPA 3.88: Magna Cum Laude; A - Machine Learning, A - Introduction to Data Science, A- - Discrete Math, A - Algorithms, A - Data Structures

University Leadership & Involvement

2020-22 President, Hindu Students Council Organized several cultural events on-campus for as many as 2,500 attendees at once. Raised a total revenue of $51,000 in ‘21-‘22. Organized several charitable efforts serving the Boston community in association with Engineers Without Borders and Overseas Volunteers for a Better India.

2018-20 Writer & Editor, The Nerve Journal Wrote a published article describing the effects of solitary confinement on the cognitive abilities of inmates. Edited several other published articles.

2018-20 Member - Mind & Brain Society Taught basic neuroscience concepts to underpriviledged youth at the Roxbury Community Center to foster a better understanding of the human brain and to expose the subject to the children for future inspiration.


COVID-19 vs Viral/Bacterial Pneumonia Classification Study, experiment with and develop several neural architectures and their performance on a supervised classification problem involving patient chest x-rays where models were trained to ‘diagnose’ patients. Architectures explored involved VGG-16, ResNet and DenseNet.

Multivariate Normal Parameter Estimation Use the expectation-maximization algorithm to estimate the parameters of a multivariate normal distribution only given a set of data generated from the distribution. Performance was compared to a simple maximum-likelihood estimation method.

Google clone

A search engine web application that utilizes PageRank, and tf-idf to evaluate the relevance of pages stored in an index to user queries. Computation was performed via Hadoop (distributed computing) on an inverted index, processed through a Flask application and returned to a server-side dynamic front-end with interactive capabilities.

* Visit my Github profile for other projects and pull-request contributions.


** Python for Genomic Data Science - Coursera ** ** Command Line Tools for Genomic Data Science (SAMTools, BEDTools, Tuxedo suite) - Coursera ** ** Bioconductor for Genomic Data Science - Coursera ** ** AWS Technical Essentials **


Harold C. Case Scholarship, Boston University

Kilachand Honors College Graduate, Boston University


  • Python, PyTorch, NumPy, Matplotlib, Pandas, scikit-learn, PySpark, Flask, AstroPy, etc.
  • C/C++, CUDA, LLVM
  • Java, JDBC
  • Git
  • Machine Learning
  • Database Management
  • Web Applications & APIs
  • Scripting